Rey has undoubtedly won the hearts of millions of Star Wars fans the world over. So much so, that action figures and other toys based around the character are very difficult to find. She’s definitely one of my favorite characters in the Star Wars universe, and I have a number of Rey toys that have been release so far.
A couple of nights ago I saw people complaining on social media about the lack of Rey action figures. They claimed that they’d asked people at Target who said they’d “never stocked” any Rey toys. Without doing proper research (a little bit of searching) or using logical reasoning (these toys have been available since September 4, 2015 when they were released on Force Friday to HUGE fanfare), they simply believed that Disney hadn’t produced any Rey action figures.
That is simply not true. I’ve not only got six different Rey toys of my own, but I know for a fact that there’s a seventh and an eighth, and likely more to come as more films in this saga trilogy are released.
Update (spoilers if you haven’t seen the film): Hasbro commented on the lack of Rey in Monopoly: “The Star Wars: Monopoly game was released in September, months before the movie’s release, and Rey was not included to avoid revealing a key plot line that she takes on Kylo Ren and joins the Rebel Alliance.” (Clearly, they mean Resistance, but whatever.) The spokesperson added that Rey is featured in several Hasbro games, including Hands Down, Guess Who, and chess, and that “fans will see more Rey product hitting store shelves this month, including 6-inch and 12-inch Rey action figures. We are thrilled with the popularity of this compelling character and will continue to look for ways to showcase Rey across all of our product lines.” (via EW)
So, here’s what’s been released and where you might be able to find them! The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on them. This helps pay for server costs.
Rey (Starkiller Base) – 3.75″ Action Figure
This action figure was released with the initial launch of Star Wars: The Force Awakens action figures.
Places to find it in stores:
- Meijer
- Target
- Toys R Us
- Kohls
- Walmart
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey (Jakku) – 6″ Black Series
Also launched on Force Friday, this is a highlight of my collection.
Places to find it in stores:
- Meijer
- Target
- Toys R Us
- Kohls
- Walmart
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey (Jakku) – 3.75″ Black Series
I’d never seen this one before I starting making this list. It looks awesome.
Places to find it in stores:
- Walmart
Places to find it online:
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey and BB-8 Elite Series Die Cast Action Figures – 6”
These are awesome. Very detailed like the Black Series but made with metal and plastic. Rey is 6″ and BB-8 is 3 1/2″.
Places to find it in stores:
- Disney Stores
Places to find it online:
- DisneyStore.com (sold out at time of this writing)
- Amazon (by resellers, and usually MUCH higher cost than Disney Stores)
- Toywiz (reseller)
Rey and BB-8 Elite Series Die Cast Action Figures – 6” (New Version)
Here’s a new edition of the above action figure. “In collaboration with Lucasfilm, we present the Star Wars Elite Series Rey and BB-8 die cast action figures. The resilient survivor comes complete with blue lightsaber! Add her and the spherical droid to your collection for epic adventure.” Rey is 6″ and BB-8 is 3 1/2″.
Places to find it in stores:
- Disney Stores
Places to find it online:
- DisneyStore.com
- Amazon (by resellers, and usually MUCH higher cost than Disney Stores)
- Toywiz (reseller)
Rey – itty bitty – 4″ plush
Itty bittys are a line of plushies that you can only find at Hallmark stores. As soon as Rey was released, I was practically the first in line to get her.
Places to find it in stores:
- Hallmark Stores
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Hallmark.com (sold out online at time of this writing)
Rey – Funko Pop! Vinyl – Hot Topic Exclusive
You can find practically any character you want as a Pop! Vinyl from Funko. Plus, they’re all equally adorable. My wife and I love these and have many of our favorite characters. We couldn’t pass this up, or the other one.
Places to find it in stores:
- Hot Topic Stores
Places to find it online:
- HotTopic.com
- Amazon
- Toywiz
Rey – Funko Pop! Vinyl
Places to find it in stores:
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey – Funko Wacky Wobbler
Places to find it in stores:
- Meijer
- Kohls
- Walmart
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey’s Speeder (Jakku) with special edition Rey (Jakku) action figure
Places to find it in stores:
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey – Disney Infinity – The Force Awakens Play Set
You can be Rey in Disney Infinity. The best version of this game yet, Disney Infinity has really found a great footing and has tons to explore!
Places to find it in stores:
Places to find it online:
Rey’s Speeder (LEGO)
You can find a LEGO version of Rey here, and she’s also included in the Force Awakens Lego Millennium Falcon!
Places to find it in stores:
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey’s Speeder – Black Series Titanium
Places to find it in stores:
- Meijer
- Target
- Kohls
- Walmart
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- Entertainment Earth
- ToyWiz
Rey – Super Deformed Plush
Places to find it in stores:
Places to find it online:
The Force Awakens PVC Figurine Playset
These figures come attached to bases. They’re approximately 4″ tall (except for BB-8).
Places to find it in stores:
- Disney Store
Places to find it online:
- Amazon
- DisneyStore.com
- Toywiz
Rey and BB-8 – HotToys
HotToys makes the world’s best, highly accurate, fully detailed action figures in the world, and their Rey and BB-8 set is no different. Absolutely beautiful. If HotToys wanted to send me a sample, I wouldn’t complain. It’s available in two variations.. one with and one without BB-8.
Places to find it online:
Rey – Buildable Figure (LEGO)
This is a figure that stands over 9 inches tall! It’s part of LEGOs’ new buildable figure line. It is available starting January 1, 2016.
Places to find it in stores:
Places to find it online:
Just curious, but did you compare these to the toys available of the male characters, both in number of choices and the amount made? The point of the #whereisrey tag isn’t that there are NO Rey figures but that for a main character there are very few made as well as she is noticeably cut out of toy sets where she should be included like the millennium falcon or a multi figure set. There are Black Widow figures out there too, if I’m able to spend $200 or able to convince my son that a 1″ posed figure goes great with his set of 9″ moveable figures of the rest of the Avengers team.
I know what it’s about. However, this comes down to a few things. First, marketing. It’s a simple fact that more action figures are bought for boys than girls. These numbers haven’t suddenly changed overnight. On top of that, the fact that the Millennium Falcon set doesn’t come with Rey included is a tactic to get you to spend a bit more money. The toy companies know that you’ll want to pair Rey with the Falcon once you’ve seen the movie, so they’ve made Rey available to purchase separately. The same thing has been happening constantly with the Disney Infinity lines. They include characters with the play sets that you may or may not purchase separately, and the characters that you might want more are sold separately.
With regard to the Millennium Falcon, though, the LEGO version does include Rey. This is because they don’t often sell LEGO minifigures separately. This is evidence enough that the Millennium Falcon toy set doesn’t include Rey because they want people to buy her separately.
Second, the line of 9″ moveable figures? It’s not the same, but LEGO makes a 9″ Rey Buildable Figure. Not sure where your $200 number comes from, with regard to the Avengers. Are you saying that Black Widow alone costs $200?
Third, Rey’s on all sorts of marketing merch, and she’s front and center. I’ve got cups, blankets, and more with Rey featured. There are costumes, posters and wall art with her featured prominently.
I’ll conclude by saying this: I do understand that there are some sets that don’t include Rey (that should). That set made by Target is the one. The Millennium Falcon isn’t because you can buy her separately (her popularity makes her hard to find, but I’ve found her at multiple stores). When I first heard about #WheresRey, it was people claiming that there were “Jar Jar Binks toys, but no Rey.” And they couldn’t seem to find Rey, and just wanted to argue about EVERY SINGLE TOY, claiming that Target told them they had never stocked Rey action figures. They wanted only to fight about how they couldn’t find Rey, even though she’d been available in multiple variations released since September 4, 2015. If you want to create change, the best way to do it is to do so with your dollar. Don’t buy the 9″ action figure set and instead buy only the 3.75″ figures. Buy the 6″ figures. Buy all the Rey that you can find.
I agree with Josb completely! Yes, you can find Rey action figures in theory but it is not easy and she is the star of the movie! WalMart and Target should be overflowing with Rey 3.75″ action figures but they are sold out overwhelmingly online and at the stores. You know where you can find them? EBAY – they are selling at 4x or more what the MSRP is. So retailers and Hasbro are losing money and some middle men are benefitting. How can this be good business.
BTW it’s awfully telling when Walmart.com has a drop down of Star Wars Characters which includes Kylo Ren, Finn, Chewbacca, Luke Skyewalker, etc but DOESN’T LIST REY. They list Finn by character name but not Rey. Insanity
You mean this list?

It has Princess Leia, Captain Phasma AND Rey. All three, strong female characters in Star Wars. I’ve seen Rey many times on the shelves. The thing is, you’re correct: She’s selling out EVERYWHERE. FAST. And every time I’d seen her on the shelf, she’d be gone the next time I went by that section. Meeting demand is proving difficult. The reason you’re seeing a lot of the other characters still on shelves is likely due to popularity. The seem to have a lot of other characters sitting on shelves at the moment… a droid and Constable Zuvio. Why? Because they either weren’t in the movie or prominently displayed in the movie. It’s not because they made any more or less of the characters, it’s because kids don’t recognize the characters or their parents don’t.
Rey (among other characters) is hard to find, but you can believe that Hasbro and others are doing whatever they can to get more of Rey on to toy shelves. They had to hold back on many Rey action figures and toys because of key plot points in the film that she’s involved with. They didn’t want to give things away too early (and were under an embargo from revealing too much information about her character). According to Hasbro, Rey’s becoming involved in the Resistance wasn’t meant to be revealed. Her alliances weren’t even revealed by the trailers. We could guess where she’d end up, but they wanted the question to still be there.
Personally, I just picked up another variation of Rey. And I know that there are more to come. Here’s the official statement that Hasbro gave regarding Monopoly: “The Star Wars: Monopoly game was released in September, months before the movie’s release, and Rey was not included to avoid revealing a key plot line that she takes on Kylo Ren and joins the Rebel Alliance.” (Clearly, they mean Resistance, but whatever.) The spokesperson added that Rey is featured in several Hasbro games, including Hands Down, Guess Who, and chess, and that “fans will see more Rey product hitting store shelves this month, including 6-inch and 12-inch Rey action figures. We are thrilled with the popularity of this compelling character and will continue to look for ways to showcase Rey across all of our product lines.” (via EW)